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Granma Sam  12/20/2012 7:10:52 PM
Hi, Just wanted to say kids are so cute. Hope they remeber some of these moments. Happy holidays.

grant  10/4/2010 8:04:59 PM
Great pics James! Glad to see you all are doing well.

Lori  7/13/2010 1:53:24 PM
the vacation montage is awesome! you know, there are a lot of open roads between illinois and texas...perhaps we should meet up half way next summer...we also love a good road trip! i am sorry to hear that the boys have been sick...hope the new doc, the tubes, and the new remedies get everyone feeling great again!

Lori  6/2/2010 8:09:49 PM
sorry to hear you are all sick! we are finding the same with our 2nd-born...always sick. i hope this means he will have a really awesome immune system by the time he starts kindergarten. miss you guys!

Lori  3/26/2010 8:26:00 PM
happy birthday to Ro and JT. i'm glad the sun has come out to shine on this day for you.

Lori  2/25/2010 8:27:48 AM
look! it's dawn in a pack-n-play! my lord, erick looks SO much like you and your dad! i love his hair! does it get straighter as it dries? that boy has beautiful hair...both of your boys do. and beautiful eyes. i hope you're ready for the girls to start calling your house in few years. judging by how many crushes livie's already had at the tender age of 4, i'd say you might start getting calls when v starts big-boy school in the fall. muwahahahaha!

Lori  2/22/2010 9:17:00 AM
i'm about to start quinn at LG,too...i wish quinn and erick could be monkeys together like livie and victor were. glad to hear you are all feeling better. i would say you got it from quinn, but i don't think that stuff can come through the computer :-p quinn had the same lovely throwing up-snotty-coughing-fever misery. i hate germs.

jimmy  2/4/2010 10:59:15 AM
I love the block party!!!!!

Lori  2/2/2010 6:31:02 PM
i shall now stop my inner whinalog. i've been gearing up for some tough days/nights b/c josh is OOT starting at 4:30 tomorrow morning through dinner on friday. not quite the same as what you've got going on, so i will stop my pity party.

Lori  12/25/2009 12:43:40 PM
merry christmas, humphrey family! love the pics and updates...the boys are just adorable!!

Grandmother Beth  12/18/2009 10:34:29 PM
I'm with you James. I really miss the blog entries. Facebook smayshbook. Bring back the classic blog.

Victor's Grandmother  11/19/2009 4:58:18 PM
Hello from Chicago. I sure hope to witness some crawling Sunday. Glad week #1 was such a success. School is cool.

Lori  11/11/2009 8:49:08 PM
happy 7mo bday to erick! congrats on all the big boy moves for victor, too. oh, and we are right there with you regarding the new sesame street season...we ALL thoroughly enjoyed this morning's helping of sesame street. i, for one (and prolly quinn, too), am THRILLED to see more of murray. i love me some murray and his little lamb.

Lori  10/27/2009 4:11:03 PM
oh, how i love these fall pics. could you bottle up the smell of fall and send it down here to pville? the boys are beautiful...love the shots of erick's chubby little cheek resting on the kelty and of his head leaning on mommy's.

Lori  8/12/2009 7:30:04 AM
happy 4mo birthday to erick! i love the video of paw paw eating erick...baby giggles are possibly the best sound EVER. i am LOVING the wedding pic of you with your grandpa. you are beautiful, and i know it's going to sound "weird", but you look a lot like victor in that shot. see, weird! what i mean is that the shot shows off the features that victor has inherited from you. ;-p miss you guys!

Uncle Duck  7/8/2009 3:06:51 PM
I really enjoyed the pics of the Martin clan's visit. What a great gang those boys make. Erick will fit right in, I'm sure. Hope you have a great rest of your summer. Uncle Duck

Lori  6/10/2009 7:48:13 PM
happy 2-month birthday to easy E!

Lori  5/2/2009 7:08:46 PM
i love the brother pics...especially the kiss pic!

Uncle Duck  5/2/2009 9:49:23 AM
I like the "brother" shirts, too. I hope Victor likes being a big bro (like I did, hehe, hehe, Terry). It looks like you live in a really cool neighborhood. Hope to get to see the next time we're in IL. Uncle Duck. (quack)

Kevin & Heather Strebel  4/12/2009 3:23:18 PM
Congratulations on your handsome new addition! What a head of hair he has!

Tanya  4/9/2009 5:37:26 AM
Hey girl, hope all goes well tomorrow..we'll be 'pushin' for ya!!!

Uncle Duck  4/8/2009 10:14:23 AM
Hi Dawn and James! I hope that Erick IS born on 4/10; that is the day I get a new left hip - maybe I will name it Erick, too. Each of my new parts have been named. Would that be OK? We hope all goes well, love, Uncle Duck.

Karen  4/3/2009 9:44:18 AM
Thanks for the link! This is a great family webpage. :) Still waiting on news......

Lori  3/23/2009 1:36:17 PM
i can't believe that the time has nearly come for erick to meet the world. wow! i wish i was near you to help you and to meet your new little boy. i love victor's school pic...i know he looks scared, but he is so handsome nonetheless!

Lori  3/10/2009 1:47:33 PM
i hope you're getting the chance to enjoy those NSTs. i enjoyed quinn's...mostly. it was usually a time to read a book or just be still for a bit. there were a couple times when his HB went what seemed to be crazy high...not as much fun.

Lori  3/6/2009 9:58:58 PM
victor rocks! i hope your BP stays within range and that erick gets to bake as long as possible. i can't believe it's only 3 weeks until you are full term!

Amy Summers  2/26/2009 2:36:55 PM

Lori  2/21/2009 9:30:31 PM
i love the pics of your new home! it's beautiful!

Barnett  2/20/2009 9:46:05 PM
Nice place! Now to maintain it . . .

Ruth  2/6/2009 4:10:22 AM
Made it past the censors. :-) Just saying hello1

Lori  10/29/2008 8:59:55 AM
thanks for posting those pics of the beautiful landscape! wow...so different from texas! i hope you guys get to feeling better soon.

Barnett  9/24/2008 11:05:52 AM
Thought this seemed fitting:


Lori  9/23/2008 7:10:03 PM
hmmmm. the name "steak and shake" makes me kinda hungry. hee heee! that's pretty funny about the response to your request for sweet tea. i guess if you ask for a coke, you will get exactly that...a coke (instead of being asked what kind). have you been told you have an accent yet? BTW, we miss you guys :-(

Tanya  9/17/2008 5:44:35 PM
Hey victor...welcome to the "country mouse" life style.. calvin thinks your the biggest and the best...i think you two will be best buds in no time....welcome back!!!!

Lori  9/14/2008 6:02:27 PM
i'm glad to read that you guys made it safely and with model passengers. i hope that you guys are able to get into a new groove quickly. we miss you tons already. we went to KA today, and it's just not the same without victor!

Lori  9/14/2008 6:02:53 PM
i'm glad to read that you guys made it safely and with model passengers. i hope that you guys are able to get into a new groove quickly. we miss you tons already. we went to KA today, and it's just not the same without you guys!

Barnett  9/4/2008 10:43:44 AM
So I'm getting picked on in the blogs now?? Don't get me started! Happy packing.

Lum  8/11/2008 2:22:53 PM
Thanks for hosting us. We appreciated the chance to hang with u guys at the Austin homestead one last time! Good luck with the closing and the moving. -John and Jeanie

Ruth & John  6/24/2008 3:32:53 PM
Cruel. Just cruel.

Lori  6/6/2008 4:57:42 PM
what a sweet, silly, and BEAUTIFUL picture of you two! happy 10th anniversary!!

dawneph  5/17/2008 12:54:01 PM
Mall CFAs don't count, Mimi!

Victor's Grandmother  5/16/2008 6:24:56 PM
Oh, but there are a few CFAs in the St. Louis area. It may not be the same vibe as an Austin CFA BUT we will find out! Of course, we will be back and forth to Austin for the real experience from time to time. Once an Austinite always an Austinite!

Lori  5/12/2008 10:13:46 PM
oh. good. lawd. 4:30?!?!?! here, i was griping and grumbling all day about livie waking at 6:15 today. i now feel like a wuss. that's awesome that v had a great day despite his early wake-up. i hope you are already asleep and/or got a good nap yourself today.

Lori  4/25/2008 9:38:56 PM
i thoroughly enjoyed your glass-half-full-to-overflowing post. i hope that your filofax recovers and that in the mean time, you enjoy the hot pink one. you, go, mama! what an awesome response to that idiot at WF. i'm sorry you had to endure that. i hope pru gets her lion cut soon; it will be adorable (and there have got to be groomers out there that don't need to dope a cat to groom it!). we look forward to seeing you again soon (as livie said on the way home from the zoo, "more v'dirt, peas!").

Lori  4/6/2008 10:57:00 PM
love the kitchen! v is a lot nicer than livie...she stuffs her stuffed animals in the oven of her kitchen ;-p it, too, is the first thing she wants to play with EVERY morning!

this is random, but when we took livie to the duck pond sat evening for a picnic, the first thing she shouted was v'dirt!!!!

um, did those canada geese try to attack you guys? they weren't too fond of us.

okay, no more streams of consciousness...

Dang it  4/4/2008 2:21:00 PM
It's Fri and I can't log in because I don't know what email you've got for me.
What I wanted to say: For this WW2 baby, your site is a technological marvel. It is so much fun to watch my grandson do his thing. So proud! ...sam

Lori  3/17/2008 7:37:03 PM
we are very sad that you will be in OT on fridays. i am guessing that since OT will be crazy amounts of activity and interaction that it will leave victor quite tired, but maybe we can meet up at the park near you or for a quiet wagon ride around the 'hood afterward? we are desperately going to miss you, but we will find a way to meet up with you guys!

Lori  3/11/2008 10:07:24 PM
welcome back to a-town! i am floored that you got thru a 14-plus-hour drive, TWICE, without the anesthetic effects of the DVD player. we will be needing victor to hold a how-to-ride-in-the-car-without-drama seminar for livie. we're looking forward to seeing you soon!

Lori  2/26/2008 8:18:14 AM
i love the list of v's favs! livie is a huge fan of knuffle bunny, too, and we're not tired of it yet b/c she just got it for christmas. she especially loves when we give "aggle flaggle klababble" an extra ooomph :-) we miss you guys!

Lori  2/5/2008 10:38:40 PM
okay, that is just plain BS from miss fay. that's all we ever hear from her "lead by example, and they'll follow!" that's completely different from strictly guiding them from event to event. arrrggh! i'm mad for you. glad v and james had fun, but still mad for you...

Lori  1/23/2008 1:44:16 PM
well, today was OUR first day of the new semester at LG, and v'dirt was very sorely missed. i got rousing choruses of "v'dirt nastics!" over and over and over as we entered the HEB plaza parking lot. the class was okay. livie's one of the oldest in a pretty small class, and that's never a good combo for her. she likes the craziness of a big class and to chase and emulate the big kids. i'm skeptical... oh, and did i mention how MUCH we missed you guys? we cannot wait for fun friday!

Lori  1/11/2008 9:37:44 PM
i'm so glad we could help disrupt the nap routine today and that the disruption actually resulted in a great nap! livie, too, was alseep before her head hit the pillow. i LOVE the shots you got of victor and livie shrieking on the stairs inside the playhouse!

Lori  12/28/2007 10:14:28 PM
i loved loved loved your holiday montages. victor and sean are absolutely TOO cute together. and, i am not sure if avery's family, but she's giving livie a bit of competition there.

how sad is it that i was within 10 feet of you for almost 2 hours today, and i was able to get more update from monkey do than in person. i swear trying to get toddlers to play together is like herding angry cats!

Barnett  12/8/2007 11:06:58 AM
Life always looks better through the prism of a musical montage -- especially with animation. Keep it up!

Lum  12/1/2007 2:53:20 PM
"A fraud!" "Taste-untasted," I must agree with that characterization of sunbutter.

Kudos to James for providing me with a forward-chronological-order view of the blog!

Lori  11/21/2007 11:50:35 PM
we love sunbutter, too. okay, livie and i like it. josh detests it; he says it's a fraud.

i thought of you today when i had to scoop peanuts off the waiting room floor of the pedi's office. peanuts should be a controlled substance.

Sara Eberlin  10/29/2007 7:23:59 PM
Hello Dawn- Your baby is adorable! I saw Grandpa P last week, he's definitely a proud grandpa!! Maybe I'll meet Victor next time you visit Jville?

Barnett  10/25/2007 9:06:55 AM
Well done, monkey pops.

Victor's Grandmother  10/18/2007 6:33:38 PM
How cool is this big boy site? Gaga would say, "Way cool."

Lori  10/18/2007 2:24:13 PM
love the new web page! livie likes it, too! (she squealed when i told her it was victor)

Ruth & John  10/18/2007 4:13:19 AM
Love it!!

Victor's Grandmother  7/5/2007 3:47:13 PM
Great entry!

Aunt Deb  6/23/2007 9:40:34 AM
"Where is Victor? "
A question I hear from Cousin Sean several times every day.

Tanya  4/30/2007 10:01:48 AM
Now its my turn to BRAG!!!! Calvin is here!!!!! Now the Vic will have a playmate when he comes to cowtown ....!!! oh, and i love the video!!!

Barnett  3/11/2007 9:30:12 PM
I like cheese. But cheese doesn't like me. Go figure.

Pat  3/8/2007 3:25:59 PM
This website is incredible, and it's great to see Victor in such a loving home. I hope we'll meet one day.

Great Uncle Ron  2/3/2007 6:46:03 PM
Its so much fun to see recent pictures of you all and read what's going on. Love, Uncle Ron and Aunt Kathy

Eileen  1/16/2007 2:08:42 PM
We need to see a picture of Dawn with bangs!

Lum  1/14/2007 3:18:29 PM
Just finished catching up on five months of Victor! It makes for great reading, guys--well done. The Boy remains incredibly cute, and my personal assessment of his development path is that he's precisely as strong-willed as his dear old da'. Have a happy 2007, Humphreys!

Brownie  11/6/2006 12:51:36 AM
It sounds like Victor is growing up overnight, walking and now eating what grown ups eat. What is next? He seems to be moving along really fast. Go Victor, love you.

Minnesota Grandpa  8/6/2006 1:18:16 PM
Great pictures of Victor playing with his cake. His father at that age was concerned about keeping hands clean and always wanted to be wiped off if food got on him. Jay was such a big eater that I think he didn't want any morsel wasted. Give Victor a hug for me.

Cori  5/15/2006 3:33:28 PM
I LOVE the page! You really should consider the fact that you have been that dilligent with his blog award winning!! I am lucky if I remember to update Zachary's once a month!! Thanks for sharing this with me, and I will definitely have to keep up to date....Victor is one busy little boy!

Teresa  3/28/2006 3:18:17 PM
Thanks for sharing all the wonderful moments and pictures with your fans. Your babe's a babe!

Ginger  2/27/2006 8:52:20 AM
I love the videos, too. I think the wrestling career is on hold while he works on his very obvious gymnastic skills. And those still photos on the couch are amazing.
He is one beautiful baby boy!

Victor's Grandmother  2/23/2006 10:08:29 PM
LOVE the videos!

The Hagens  2/16/2006 11:29:59 AM
Have a great birthday Dawn! Lars, Aisha and Annika

Rilea  2/3/2006 3:37:34 PM
Happy 6 months to my pal Victor! I hope it's a happy one!!!

Minnesota Grandpa  1/29/2006 12:11:09 PM
Victor is now an internationally known baby. While in Spain and checking my e-mail at the Cat Training Center, I opened PigletsPage to show a co-worker VG pix. We soon drew a crowd of admirers. I don't know if I was prouder of grandson or the parents who have created a baby-dedicated web site! Anyway, Victor has more admirers.

Collins  1/24/2006 7:41:57 PM
I'm a faithful reader of Piglet's page, and now it's extra special to me since my niece, Providence Marie received a shout out. She is such the rock star! Thanks for being such a good and supportive friend to Katheryn. We're all so excited right now!

Eileen  1/8/2006 9:47:43 PM
friggin' hawkeyes....

Dena  12/26/2005 8:17:16 AM
Um..."replacement of illegal sensor"????? On second thought, I don't think I want to know! ;)

Merry Christmas Humphreys! While I'm jealous that you had snow and all we had was rain, well, I'm glad that all was merry on your end! Nice plumbing work!

Denise  12/2/2005 8:00:02 PM
Hi James, Dawn, and Victor! Savor the moment. These kids grow up too fast. You can't have too many pictures! Vic has a great smile!

Seņor David  11/17/2005 10:07:00 PM
Hi Dawn, James and family. I got your website from M.Barnett. Really enjoy the photos. Would like to hear more from you and catch up. Talk to you later. Seņor David Allsup.

Dena  11/3/2005 12:58:09 PM
Happy 3-Month Birthday to the Veeger! Wow how time flies. Pretty soon he'll be borrowing the car and breaking curfew. Enjoy the day!

Minnesota Grandpa  10/20/2005 1:44:30 PM
Perserverance always wins. You have outwaited VG, not totally lost your cool, and he has seen that crying didn't drive you too nuts. So now he'll try the cute and charming litle boy tactic. My personal favorite period for children. Seriously, I'm so glad to read your upbeat entries. Keep them coming. Hug VG for me.

Victor's Grandmother  10/13/2005 9:24:39 PM
Wonderful photos of Mr. Photogenic! I must say I got a kick from reading Minnesota Grandpa's quip. It was a nice peek at where James comes by his skills in this arena. My grandson is destined to be a young man with a dry sense of humor. He has it coming at him from all directions. The influence of his parents, grandfathers, and don't forget Jodie Luke and Ginger Mae - pretty well seals the deal. Super cute pics of VG. Thanks. It really made my day.

Minnesota Grandpa  10/13/2005 1:51:39 PM
Minnesota Grandpa
I like the hats in the new pictures. It takes a person with real character to wear something like that and retain his dignity. By the way, wouldn't it be great to Photoshop away your re eyes after a short night's sleep? Keep the faith. You're doing great.

Ali  10/12/2005 3:01:34 PM
Bub! Lia told me about this site, and I've finally checked it out... congrats! We just went over to visit her and little Alex yesterday night. Happy for both of you...!

BarbaraO  10/6/2005 10:08:32 PM
Dawn and James, what fun to watch you enjoy your first weeks/months of parenting Victor and to get a peek at Victor as he grows! Love your blog entries, and the pics of you and Lia and baby Alex are great! Can't wait to see you all "live" sometime - hopefully soon!

D.  9/26/2005 10:45:11 PM
Quite a beautiful boy you've got there! My son, Quinn, wants to know where to find a Clash onesey too. He's got a Buddha one, but, he says, some times you just have to rock out. (He usually says that right before making a truly atrocious noise.)

Eileen  9/7/2005 8:52:13 PM
Where does one get a "The Clash" onesie? pretty cool. will miss the updates while we are on our trip! muchas smoochas-e

Evelyn/G  9/4/2005 2:17:29 PM
Sunday 9/04/05 2:13 p.m.
good for you, new Daddy to relieve Mommy with bottle feedings. You are two wonderful parents.Give Vic a kiss from great grandma G.

Dena  8/20/2005 9:40:54 AM
Love the new pics! Wow, I never realized how tall 20 1/2 inches was until now! He's a very long little guy. So sweet...
Love the announcement - so very precious!

Ginger  8/20/2005 7:08:35 AM
I love all of the new pictures you've posted. Gaga looks so very happy. Enjoy the weekend.
Love to all, Ginger
Oh, I got the Victory card today and burst into tears when I pulled it out of the envelope. It's awesome.

Shiek  8/19/2005 11:36:28 AM
I am in my office with tears in my eyes. I am so happy for the two of you--make that the three of you. Peace and love. Pat

Kevin & Heather Strebel  8/14/2005 6:10:37 PM
Dawn & James, We are so utterly thrilled for you and your beautiful Victor the Victorious. Someday he will cherish the story of his creation and know how much he was loved and wanted right from the start. Bless you all!

kevin  8/12/2005 11:43:02 PM
Dawn&James, He`s beautiful.You probably don`t remember me Dawn but, I used to look at you when you were a baby. You were beautiful too. Gramma and Gramps Pressler are just a beemin. I got the site address from great grandma. I love the name.

Marieanne  8/11/2005 11:32:41 PM
Dawn & James - Congrats!! He's beautiful! Enjoy every moment, it goes by very quickly. I will always remember his birthday, it was my wedding day. God's Blessings!
Love - Dapinada

Granger and Tara  8/10/2005 10:12:05 PM
Hey guys, congratulations! He's such a cutie. We can't wait to meet him. Hang in there with the sleep, it gets better... we think.

Michelle  8/10/2005 9:29:18 PM
Dear Dawn & James,
Congrats-he's really a cutie! And he has more hair at 1 week old than my 4 1/2 month old daughter! Can't believe you have time for a web page-you are doing great! Call if you need help or have questions!

The Hagens  8/9/2005 10:15:09 AM
Congrats! He's beautiful! All the best.

Nancy  8/8/2005 3:49:23 PM
Dear Dawn and James -
Big Congratulations!! What a beautiful boy! Looks and sounds like everything went well and mama and baby are doing fine. Don't worry - he'll learn day from night over the next few weeks. Sleep when you can. And, enjoy every sweet little squeaky moment.

Best wishes!
Nancy B.

Roger  8/7/2005 9:39:45 PM
Dawn & James,
Congratulations! Good-looking kid, and I like the significance of his name. Hard to tell who Victor looks like most, but the picture of him crying on page 7 kinda remind of James on the tennis court when he gets a bad line call... ;)

Amy K  8/7/2005 8:46:07 PM
Congratulations Dawn and James! Victor is beautiful (and this website is something else!) I'm glad Eileen shared it with me. You will make wonderful parents...you're already doing a great job. The sleep DOES get better...I promise! Enjoy this time.

Dick  8/7/2005 4:58:08 PM
Wow! Dawn, James, and Victor all look great, especially Victor. Congrats! The Atlanta Presslers are very happy for you all. Which sport will he be starting off with? Lots of love!!!!!!!!!!!

Minnesota Grandpa  8/7/2005 1:00:31 PM
New pictures of Victor. What a pleasant surprise! You must have caught him during one of the few times he's sleeping. Question -- are you putting lip gloss on that baby? He has the prettiest lips I've ever seen. Movie star handsome and sure to be a genius. Excellent combination. Hope you get rested up, Mommy. Hugs all round.

Erin  8/5/2005 7:39:13 PM
The most perfect baby! Dawn, you look great! Victor is precious! Lots of love.

Sarah P.  8/4/2005 11:47:07 PM
What a joy. God has really blessed both of you with a wonderful and beautiful Angel. Enjoy him while you can, let each day be a special one. You will be great parents, you already are.

Aunt Deb  8/4/2005 9:36:03 PM
He is absolutely beautiful! I can't wait to meet him in person and hold him. Congratulations to both of you, and welcome Victor!

Granny Smith  8/4/2005 8:12:13 PM
Hello to my new grandchild, Victor. Welcome to our world. You've got parents who'll take good care of you as you explore. So enjoy this new adventure, from someone who bin there and done that.

Silly Jose  8/4/2005 5:38:11 PM
Silly Jose; I know Uncle Victor is smiling down on this great occasion. I think he would be very pleased with the honor.

John and Billye  8/4/2005 3:13:59 PM
Congratulations! Victor is beautiful!

Mary & Michael  8/4/2005 11:16:24 AM
Hi Dawn & James, Congratulations on Victor's arrival. He is just adorable. I didn't know you had a website set up until Maxine told me last night, so I'll be sure to visit on a regular basis now. Mike and I are very happy and hope to see you all in St. Louis/Jerseyville soon. Say Hi to Don & Beth for us.

Great Uncle Ron  8/4/2005 9:46:38 AM
What a handsome young man!! Crying is OK, but just wait 'til he cries for the car keys.... Way to go.

Fo Fo  8/4/2005 9:05:47 AM
Beautiful baby. Beautiful mother. Congrats to Mom and Dad.

Barnett  8/4/2005 8:45:14 AM
Congrats! I say the mohawk stays for at least the first two years. Some of the screaming pics suggest Iggy Pop might actually be the father -- Dawny, you got some 'splainin' to do! And remember, sleep is for suckers.

Jen B  8/4/2005 8:20:22 AM
He's absolutely gorgeous! I am sitting at my desk smiling with tears in my eyes as I look at his pix!!! Welcome to the World, Victor! Good Job Mom and Dad!

Paul  8/4/2005 7:52:17 AM
What a beautiful baby! We're so happy for you. Congrats from the Hardin family.

Minnesota Grandpa  8/4/2005 6:49:16 AM
What a handsome addition to the family! Thanks for getting the photos up so quickly. I'm having a hard time stopping looking at them and going to work. Keep 'em coming -- photos , that is. Way to go, Dawn! Hugs to all. Grandpa Terry

Deb C.  8/4/2005 6:56:22 AM
Congrats Dawn and James! What great pics. He is so handsome and perfect! Good job!!! All the Cunninghams are elated!!!

Deb and gang

AnnH  8/4/2005 12:54:07 AM
Now that's a good looking Humphrey! Congratulations! I'm very excited for you. Love, Cousin Ann

Max  8/3/2005 10:09:59 PM
Your baby is adorable. Congratulations Dawn, James, Grandma and Grandpa. I love the pictures. You did a great job on the web site. Have a lot of fun with the little guy. Maxine form St. Louis

Lum  8/3/2005 10:03:44 PM
Hurrah! Way to go, James and Dawn. Awesome job on the pictures and log, James. My favorite quote: "nausea encountered".


Evelyn/G  8/3/2005 10:09:58 PM
Great grandma Humphrey 8/3/2005 10:03PM What an adorable baby boy. I am so happy Victor Galen has arrived. Mommy and Daddy look very happy too.Sending my love. G.

Denise  8/3/2005 10:00:34 PM
Beautiful Baby Boy! Victor and Mom both look great. We are so happy for you and looking forward to meeting Victor in person.
Denise, Tony, and Mia

Dena  8/3/2005 8:58:44 PM
Congratulations Dawn and James! Victor is absolutely beautiful. Lots of happy tears for you guys. Good work!


Johnson's  8/3/2005 8:40:09 PM
CONGRATS to both of you!! Lovely pics! Victor is the cutest baby.. :) Eda & Mike

The Kerrigan's  8/3/2005 7:47:34 PM
Congratulations to the Humphrey's on their "special delivery". We couldn't be happier for your family. Welcome to the world Victor. What a handsome boy! Blessings from Diane & Bob

Ginger  8/3/2005 7:40:44 PM
He's perfect!! Good job Batonia and Boris!!! We love you all. The Clafliones

LeAnn  8/3/2005 9:57:55 AM
I'm a friend of James from his college days, Hatch Hall to be precise and I just heard the news, CONGRATULATIONS!!! I wish you both all the best.

Erin  8/2/2005 2:59:14 PM
Hi lady!! Just wanted to wish you lots of luck! Thinking about you and Victor and sending lots of healthy mom and baby vibes!


dawneph  7/29/2005 4:39:02 PM
Not to fear, Grandma Sam. You're on the call list. We might be going through some major wireless web withdrawal in the hospital. Phones are so strange to us now. ;)

Well, much like 35+ years ago, James is still quite handsome and is also a bit on the plump side due to his sympathy pregnancy weight (or so he thinks - I don't really see it).

Granny Smith  7/29/2005 4:10:24 PM
Hi, your blog reminds me how much false labor I had with James. He was full term and handsome. That makes it all worth it. My email situation is on HOLD. Please phone in when you have news. New email address is coming soon, I hope. Hugs and a dash of patience to you both.

Minnesota Grandpa  7/29/2005 8:42:52 AM
Back in the office again after more time working nights on the Massachusetts Turnpike. Checking your daily entries each morning at the hotel with the expectation that delivery would have happened. I'll be patient. I sense a linebacker coming. Did you know that JP's baby nickname was "Bruiser". Given to him by his honorary uncles in recognition of his size and his being able to watch (propped up by pillows) the Vikings / Chiefs Super Bowl January 1970. You're the best! Remember how much we love you.

Eileen  7/25/2005 1:24:05 PM
I did enjoy that Dawn!! You must have heard Dee-Lite recently...Congrats to the Presslers on their anniversary! Much love-en

Lum  7/24/2005 1:57:36 PM
Go, 'Phette, go! I'm saddened that you will never again be darkening Chuy's doors again (you and Jenna Bush both), but it seems not unreasonable given the horrible wet-floor incident. I'm glad you escaped with just the tailbone damage. Keep up the blogging! I think you have a legion of daily readers at this point. I, for one, am waiting with bated breath to see how soon after the actual delivery you will manage a blog entry. Soon!

Granny Smith  7/17/2005 2:11:12 PM
Sunday,17th, and you've passed the middle of July. How are you coping with all that weight in front? Just remember that a pregnant woman looks beautiful at the end of her pregnancy. Yup, true. Have a pleasant week of waiting. LOL

Denise  7/15/2005 8:07:07 AM
Hang in there Dawn! Sounds like things are going great. Especially if you are 3cm without feeling anything. I was in labor for 12 hours before I got to 3! Mia has a little present for Victor that we want to drop off this weekend (now that Mia is fever free)

Granny Smith  7/9/2005 12:57:34 PM
Grandma Sam: It's so exciting to know that a new little baby is soon to make his appearance. Hey, Dawn...got any ideas of what to do with this new man in your life-besides feeding and diapers? You getting him a pony or jet skis?

Your photos and blog have really helped me feel a part of the pregnancy. Thanks for keeping us all in the loop. Got your invitation. Later with luv, sam

Minnesota Grandpa  7/5/2005 8:05:48 AM
Catching up again on latest pictures and activities. Victor is going to move into a nice place and even have his own watch kitty for company. We hope the last few weeks are not too uncomfortable for you, Dawn, and that you're staying cool during the hot Austin summer. We'll check in with you on visit as you suggest. Thinking of you all the time.

Grandpa Terry & Grandma Sharon

Kate  6/4/2005 12:31:42 PM
What a cool web site! Dawn, you look great. (sorry, so do you James!) I'm so happy everything is going well. Be sure to let us know when Victor makes a visit to Barr Ave. We'd love to meet him.

Eileen  5/31/2005 9:58:11 PM
The visual I got of you from your description just cracked me up! Hang in there mama (James...try to get a picture of her next time)

Ginger  5/23/2005 12:44:17 PM
I am so happy that today's visit went well. Sounds like Veeg's packing on those pounds. He could actually set some record gains for piglets. It might be the right time to talk to Victor's Grandpa about using his past connections to get a deal on feed from FS.
I saw Victor's grandmother on Saturday. Kristin and I told her how much we enjoy this website. She told me that she checks the guest book to see if I've posted.
Hi Beth !! That endless prairie that separates us can't keep us from communicating now, can it?

Dena  5/12/2005 9:11:57 PM
Well, you certainly got me on that one! As a fellow shoe-aholic, and even fellow Birk fan, despite my political affiliation (I prefer to express my conservatism in the voting booth and not on my feet - ha ha!), when I saw your blog about the Robeez shoes, I was immediately intrigued. So, I hurried out to the website to see what I could find. Joke was on me! They, uh, don't have anything in my size. Not even close.

I have a feeling that the Vic man is going to be one snazzy dresser! Between the booties and the hip Robeez shoes, he's going to have all the little ladies falling all over him.

Happy shoe shopping, for whoever you're shopping for!

Jen B  5/5/2005 9:40:00 AM
Looks like V is gonna give Imelda Marcos a run for her money! At this rate, he's going to have a pair of booties for every day of the year! :)

good job, Dawn.. you knitting Goddess you!

Eileen  5/4/2005 6:45:34 PM
OK...your child officially has more "shoes" than my husband. I know you said you went crazy with the booties, but I didn't think it was that bad!!(check out the pictures if you haven't yet!) Much love-en

Grandpa Terry  5/1/2005 8:03:55 AM
Have been visiting Piglet's page while on the road this Winter and Spring and now decided to get logged in. Sorry to be so web-challenged. We spent quite a bit of time catching up on new pictures this morning and appreciate the work you're putting into this. Grandpa Terry's birthday today and he is not too excited about being older. On the other hand, he is really excited about future birthday celebrations of current and future grandsons. Keep updating so we can all share the latest news.

Grandpa Terry & Grandma Sharon

Jen B  4/29/2005 10:29:28 AM
Have a great time with mom this weekend! Can't wait to see the new photos you promised! Thanks also for the shout out to Jack and Kyle in your blog. :)


The Hagens  4/25/2005 5:06:06 PM
Dawn - What a great website! You look so wonderful in your photos. We're excited for The Humphreys and would love to drop by and say HI whenever you feel up for guests.

Aisha and Lars

Susan  4/21/2005 10:53:26 AM
I'm so impressed with this website - kudos to the webmaster! Dawn, you are one hot mama and pregnancy definitely suits you. I'm so happy for you and James and can't believe how far along you are already. Veeger is one lucky little man to have so much love in his life already. I'm looking forward to sharing the rest of your pregnancy with you and welcoming little Veeger into the world!

Lots of love to you,

Eileen  4/14/2005 6:06:35 PM
You know me so well Dawn...I was definitely singing Prince in my head.

Victor's Grandmother  4/9/2005 5:03:15 PM
Kudos to Victor's great-aunt Brownie! It is no easy task, but I have faith you will kick the cigarette monkey off your back. I know you will be totally captivated by our little Victor and I appreciate your sacrifices that support his heallth, while ensuring he has lots of spoiling time with you.

james  4/17/2005 10:02:02 AM
Thanks Tony and congratulations Denise! Mia is absolutely darling. I will shamelessly plug your page here:


Some very cute pics of Mia.

Tony  4/7/2005 11:11:15 PM
Denise and I are so happy for you. Congratulations on little Victor Galen. He looks like quite the warrior in early pictures. We are wishing you both the best and looking forward to Mia meeting her new playmate.

Dawn  4/6/2005 11:26:39 AM
Brownie, bless your heart for trying instead of making dumb excuses like your male counterparts. I'm rooting you on. Know you can do this!

Come on though, you know I can get plenty fired up about this topic without any hormonal influence. ;) I only harangue because I love!

Brownie  4/6/2005 11:07:14 AM
This is one of those stinky relatives who smokes. What a harangue, hormones must have been popping out like beaded sweat on your brow Dawn. For your information I am on my second day, of Wellbutrin for mental/emotional stability, without ciagarettes. I can't promise success for sure, but I am making an effort.

Ginger  3/30/2005 9:43:45 AM
I support the Bruiser nickname. It goes nicely with Boris and Batonia, don't you think? I love you and am thinking of you today and every day.

Granny Smith  3/27/2005 6:04:46 PM
Happy Easter. There are two happy parents-to-be and one piglet waiting to see what Easter eggs are all about. But wait! Xmas is first. Ha, ha.

Victor's Grandmother  3/26/2005 3:52:36 PM
Well, again my thoughts are with you as we celebrate the anniversary of James Thomas' birth. I will always cherish the moments you allowed me with your twin sons. Thanks for the beautiful memory.

Evelyn/G  3/26/2005 12:12:08 PM
G 3/26/2005 12:05 P.M. This Easter weekend, I picture Ronan and his brother James Hunting easter eggs with all their play mates and having so much fun celebratng their birthday this way.Love, Great Grandma Humphrey

Dena  3/26/2005 8:57:12 AM
Happy Birthday, JT. I hope Ro is returning the favor and throwing a great party for you up there with all of your pals. Thank you, too, for looking over your mom and dad and baby brother, V. You are both very missed down here.

All my love,

Victor's Grandmother  3/25/2005 10:47:33 AM
Thinking of you today on the anniversary of Ronan's birth. I send my love to you and the boys.

Dena  3/25/2005 9:57:33 AM
Happy Birthday, Ro. I'm sure your brother, JT, and all of your buddies are all giving you a great day up there. Thanks for watching over your mom and dad and your little brother, Victor.

Much love to the Humphreys...

Deb C.  3/23/2005 9:53:02 AM
Hey D, J, & V,

Yeah!!! You're officially halfway there!!! I love looking at the ultrasound pics---clinically, he's a darn good looking little man. Think of you all frequently---keep in touch!

God Bless,

james  3/22/2005 8:49:49 AM
Today is the inflection point - we are exactly half-way there!

Eileen  3/20/2005 10:13:33 PM
Much love to the Humphreys from the Nordmeyers. Thinking of ya-talk to you soon

Tanya  3/20/2005 6:23:10 PM
Hey you two...three..(cat)..four!!! Tried to reach you before but im a total email dinosaur!! soo happy to hear your doing good and cant wait for the little Vic...as for the cat, when we had zac we put an old wooden screen door on the room where he slept...worked great...you can even leave it on for the "terrible Twos" if you want!! ha Love the web page and love to you all...tan

Victor's Grandmother  3/15/2005 8:53:35 PM
How cool that FoFo has returned into your life! I am betting Mr. FoFo was tickled with my grandson's name. FoFo will have some incredible tales to share with Vic about his great uncle. I am loving this guestbook. Hey, I might actually make contact with the world outside of work. Again, "It's all good".

Mary Beth  3/15/2005 8:00:53 PM
Beth clued me in on the website and I absolutely love it. This is really a neat experience to go through your pregnancy, thanks for sharing. Victor is such a lucky little guy. I'm so glad you adore your nurse practitioner. We are a special group, you know!! I'll keep in touch!

Fo Fo  3/15/2005 2:15:31 PM
A belated Myrny Chicken from the Fo Fo's. What a wonderful thing to find that you have a web page where we can say "Hi."

Gary  3/14/2005 4:40:49 PM
James & Dawn, congrats! I just found out (from James today) that you're expecting again. I couldn't be more happy and excited for you both. Keep the pics coming!

james  3/13/2005 10:32:42 AM
Actually, I think it's going to be up to Victor to name his grandparents. We're going to do our best to not influence him in any way. I'm confident he'll come up with something good.

Brownie  3/12/2005 6:47:19 PM
Suggestion for name for Grandma Pressler: Gramy Beth. Cute? or Stupid?

Brownie  3/12/2005 6:32:25 PM
Hey tiny Victor, your mom and dad sure are proud of you and your progress. Everything is fine in your warm little sloshy world. I can't wait to meet you in person. Your birth will be an exciting event for a number of people waiting for you.
With Love, Your grand aunt, Brownie

Paul  3/10/2005 8:05:14 PM
Great page!
Hey, be careful with Pru when Victor arrives. We had a cat when small Paul came into the picture (Aug 9, 1993), and he peed everywhere. When he squirted in the middle of our bed, we showed him (the cat) the door.
Kim is on the phone right now with your Mom, Dawn. We're getting all of the updates.
We're glad things are going well.
We'll visit Piglet's Page often.

Eileen  3/9/2005 2:55:15 PM
Yes--we must send out some "Go Illini" vibes--especially since I get to go to Thursday/Sat games in the Sweet 16 tourney!! (one of my brother's friends backed out)
Don't believe the hype about Pru. The cat has tried to kill me at least 5 times.
Much love to VG and the rest of the crew.

Ben  3/9/2005 2:11:12 PM
Dawn..you are allowed your moments of hormonal bliss and rage...well, easy for me to say, I live about 18 to 20 hours away by car...now James, might say differently, I don't know...anyway, we miss you guys and hope that we can come to visit when things are better for you...maybe in a month not associated with a Texas summer....

Dawn  3/9/2005 9:30:04 AM
Thanks Ben and Mike for saying nice things. But Ben, it's not a contest! If it were, we'd kick everyone's butts in the effort expended and money spent categories. I miss you guys. I actually mean that and it's not just the hormones talking. No wait, maybe that is the hormones.

Ben  3/9/2005 9:13:43 AM
Well, what can I say...I am so happy for you and Dawn...you deserve all the happiness in the world...with that being said, it is clear to see that both you and Mike are completely out "re"-producing me...I have a lot of catch-up to do...


I really hate the "Regards" you get on business emails, that's why I put it here..."Regards"...it's juts like when a disgruntled flight attendent says, "...and have a nice day"...meaningless....;-)

Barnett  3/9/2005 8:51:59 AM
You know, you guys make it awfully tough to justify a stinging smart-ass response, with all your touchy-feely content -- you've put me out of sorts. So, I guess the best I can do is to say, first, my birthday is Aug. 10th, so you guys can remember it now, and send me all those birthday presents you've been holding off on because you couldn't remember. And second, let's have a wrestle royal one of these days -- I'll bet on either my daughter, Lauren, or on my yet-to-agree-upon-a-name son (suggestions welcome), who's due slightly ahead of Victor (mid-June). In short, bring it on.

With assorted pleasantries,

Dawn  3/8/2005 6:31:45 PM
Wow Mom, I agree. That sounds just way too weird for words. You need a kitschy name!

Victor's Grandmother  3/8/2005 6:27:56 PM
Hi Piglet,

I hope you have had a pleasant day with your mother today. Take time to enjoy each other and get enough rest. I think of you often.
Grandmother Pressler (Man, that sounds weird!. I will be glad when you come up with a name for me.)

Katheryn  3/8/2005 10:16:55 AM
James, great job with the website - it's wonderful!

Dawn, awesome job on the baby blanket. I know you've said you're the star knitting pupil, but I had no idea how good you really were until I saw the finished product - it's beautiful!

Both of you - fantastic job on Victor! That peanut looks like he's growing like a weed, right on schedule, and I can't wait to see your gorgeous son when he arrives safe and healthy late this summer!

james  3/8/2005 1:40:46 AM
OK, John, I've closed "the security hole" by changing my e-mail address to one you don't know. "jimmy" is only a test account anyway - it has not the site powers bestowed upon the "james" account.

jimmy  3/7/2005 6:11:49 PM
Look, I'm circumventing James's tight Web security! Call the Russian Mafia! James, I order you to close this egregious security hole.

In all seriousness, I am very excited to be visiting Austin this weekend, staying with James and Dawn, and checking in on Victor's progress. Dawn, it would be a Lum-like move if you were to use a spreadsheet to track V's developmental progress and post that info here. I await its conspicuous introduction on the main page of the site!

In awe of James's Webmasterhood,
John 'jimmy' Lum

G  3/7/2005 3:42:14 PM
The excitement of welcoming Sean into our family is still with me. Now his cousin Victor is on the way and I will be equally thrilled when he arrives. Happy to hear all is well so far. Love, G

HeatherL  3/6/2005 10:19:03 AM
Long time reader, first time writer...Just want you to know that I check up on you guys often even though I don't have much time to write. Pregnancy suits you...you're the beautimistest mommy!

GaGa  3/5/2005 5:16:08 PM
Dawn, James, and Baby Victor,

It's great to visit Piglet's web site! I loved seeing Victor's progress and pictures of Dawn, too. I am so happy and excited for all of us.


Deb C.  3/5/2005 9:10:27 AM
D, J, & V:
What a great web site! This little guy is the luckiest piglet in the world to have you two as his mom and pop! We promise to check in often. Love you guys!

God Bless!
Deb and Dan

Janet  3/3/2005 8:29:31 PM
Dawn and James and baby Victor-
We are all looking so forward to meeting VG as soon as he is born. Hugs to Dawn and we'll all be checking up on you regularly.

Janet, Ralph, and Genevieve

Chris F  3/3/2005 8:51:04 AM
Congratulations Dawn and James -
Marty and I are so happy for you. We can't wait to see the three of you. Let's see a movie soon, maybe the upcoming Huffalump movie so we all can enjoy it. Congratulations again and we hope to see you soon!
Chris and Marty

Victor's Grandmother  3/2/2005 7:24:16 PM
I can't help but wonder what nickname Victor will create for me. I'd be proud to carry the name Mango or GaGa, but I am pretty confident that Victor will come up with something of his very own. James, the site is fab, as we all knew it would be. Like everyone, I am thrilled the three of you are well and comfortable with sharing your great journey with all of us. Love you three to smithereens!

Marie  3/1/2005 3:22:59 PM
Dawn & James,
Love piglet's website, it's really cool!! Samuel is sooo jealous..... he needs one of his own now.
Glad to hear that piglet and mommy are doing well. Thinking of you often.
Marie & Sam

Kim  3/1/2005 2:50:39 PM
I like your website. I'm sorry, I kind of forgot James was doing this. Hope all is well.
Thinking of you.
Kim and Paul

Amos  3/1/2005 2:32:13 PM
Cool Website.
Hope you are feeling good - Dear Old Friend. So happy for you two. You will make the best parents ever - this little piglet is truly blessed. Love you my schmoopy!!!
PS - The story of the 'belly kisser' has made it all the way to Dallas. HA. Oh how cute-Victor's first kiss from Auntie Leener! :)

Dena  3/1/2005 2:06:25 PM
Kudos to the webmaster! What a great website! I'm having so much fun keeping tabs on Piglet and his mom! Keep the pictures and journal entries coming!

cleaner  3/1/2005 11:50:01 AM
Your grandma told me about your web site, printed a picture for her.

Eileen  2/28/2005 10:27:42 PM
Just got into Chicago after a 3 hour delay due to snow. Argh. It was fantastic to hear VG's heartbeat...so glad he cooperated for Auntie Leener. I of course had to give him a big kiss on Dawn's belly when she dropped me off at the airport--don't care if people looked at me like I was crazy. Miss the Humphreys already.

Evelyn/G  2/27/2005 4:50:58 PM
Great Grandma excited and delighted.

james  2/27/2005 12:45:04 AM
This is an example guestbook entry. Everyone is encouraged to add comments, and I've tried to make it easy. You can use your e-mail address to create a user account and to log in. Your e-mail address is never displayed on the site or revealed to other readers. Send a message to the piglet or the piglet's parents or to the webmaster. It's up to you. You can come back and edit or delete any of your guestbook posts.

To make a guestbook entry, enter your e-mail at the left and create an account. Then add your comments where it says "new content" and press Create.

Please post your comments often! If you have any trouble, send me an e-mail at james.humphrey@ni.com.
visitor 137800